
Disclaimer for CouponCruz:

If you want to know any information or have some sort of questions regarding our website’s disclaimer, feel free to clear your doubts by contacting us via email at admin@couponcruz.com.

Our regular posts on CouponCruz are published just for information purpose as well as with a good motive of spreading knowledge. CouponCruz is no were responsible for any kind of warranty claim, reliability & accuracy of information. Any action you might take after finding information from our website (CouponCruz), is clearly at your own risk. We also include caution or note kind of para where we recommend you as well as warn you. CouponCruz will not be responsible for any type of loss or damage in accordance or connection with the use of our website.

We give external sites for additional information but we strive to provide only quality content, ethical & genuine websites. So, you must understand we don’t have controls over their content & nature of their site. We just provide additional links or hyperlinks to provide you good stuff. So, viewers must understand that site owners might change their content without notice &  might occur before we were able to remove such links which have gone ‘bad’. In such a situation where the links are no more available, viewers must drop a message in the comment section. We would try to reach you as soon as possible.

Every website has its own privacy policies. So, whenever you leave our website, other sites are not beyond our controls. Please check Privacy Policies of these sites as well as their “Terms of Service” before moving for any business or uploading any type of information.


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Any update, amendments or changes will be done according to CouponCruz.com. However, updates would be posted. So, you can rely on us!